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Updated Roster.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Just wanted to post a current team roster.

Happy Anniversary!

"Land Of The Free"

~full members~
|||S k i p p y

~provisional members~
LOTF GhostRyder

Thanks everyone for a great 1st year. Here's to many more to come!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from racer hero :ha good luck with getting that time on ky oval!!!

No offense but I'm betting you couldn't hold a candle to th84 on any track.

Also, what makes you so special that you need 2 threads going? Everybody else gets by with 1.

Good luck with your team.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Thanks for replying tade. Hope it gets sorted out for you over at Eagle. Cya on the server some time.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
You should also know (having been here over a year) that complaining about others on the LFS Forums is generally frowned upon. If you have a problem with Eagle Racing, you should contact them directly.

Sorry you had a problem with them. But it is their server and they can do what they like with it, including banning you. Not saying I agree with the why, what, how, because I don't know the circumstances.

Feel free to stop by one of our servers and race with us some time.

I think a mod should probably clean up these last few posts.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
New Member
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF hpisloud
LOTF Handler
LOTF GhostRyder
LOTF Andrew
welcome a new provisional member from Rockwood, Michigan
New Member
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF hpisloud
LOTF Handler
LOTF GhostRyder
LOTF Andrew
welcome a new full member from Dublin, Ohio
New Member
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF hpisloud
LOTF Handler
LOTF GhostRyder
welcome a new provisional member from Portland, Connecticut....
Ctracinfan aka LOTF Andrew

My apologies to Andrew for not posting this sooner.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
New Member
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF hpisloud
LOTF Handler
welcome a new provisional member from Youngstown, Ohio....
TypeRCivic aka LOTF GhostRyder
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
That'll buff out.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from COOP201 :I'm 30 years old so you dont have worry about any Kid BS from me.

But that takes all the fun out of it...............
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Just wanted to drop in and say hi :wave2: to my Fusion buddies.

Oh, and you too Duck.

Haven't seen any of you in a while.

Team is looking good.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
1. Swearing: We generally won't ban for swearing. We will ask you not too. If you keep swearing anyway, you will get kicked. If you come back and don't behave, you get banned for a period of not less than 3 months. Children do play this game. Everyone should keep that in mind.

2. Abuse: Abuse is not allowed on our server. Treat others how you like to be treated. If you like to be abused, they're plenty of other places to go. Abusing other racers will get you banned for a period of not less than 6 months. Abusing a team member will get you pema-banned.

3. Bitching: Blue flag cry babies and the like are asked to calm down. If they refuse, they are kicked. If they come back and act like a tool, they will get banned for a period of not less than 3 months.

4. Flag violators: Disobeying flags will get you warned. A second time gets you kicked.

5. Crashing: No warnings, no kicks. You blatantly crash on our servers and you will find yourself with a lifetime ban. Track sitting will get you a lengthy ban as well.

LOTF servers are part of the "Wrecker Barricade" network. If you get reported, chances are you will find yourself banned from our servers whether or not you were ever there before.

These are my criteria for banning on LOTF servers. Depending on moods and whos admining, criteria may differ.

All in all, I believe we at Land Of The Free are more than fair.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Actually he was banned for abusing other players on our server during our team night. The comments about hunting people down came after the fact when he wanted to dispute his ban. He is not affiliated with LOTF in any way nor has he ever been.

I will not go into further detail as this matter was handled internally among LOTF and the fellow who was banned. We would like to keep it that way.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :If you think that's advanced, you should see Big Brother Nanny State in the UK. We're now getting pairs of cameras cropping up all over the place that read and digitally store your licence plate passing two points, a mile or so apart. They hook into the central computer, they know who you are, they know which direction you're going, and if you exceed the speed limit on AVERAGE between those two points, by 10% or more, you MIGHT expect a letter and a fine in just a few days. And not one cop, or human interaction, anywhere in the mix.

Yeah they have those in Mesa, Az. Loop 101 they put cameras up and I believe I heard they are mailing tickets for anything over 2mph over the posted limit. They said on the news that the first night they were activated, they caught 175 people speeding, all of which were going to receive tickets via mail.

EDIT: This reminds me of a funny story I heard on the radio: This guy was apparently caught running a red light on camera. He received a letter from the court with a picture of his car and plate and a fine that said he owed $40. So thinking he was clever, and the lack of an actual cop pulling him over, he took a picture of two $20 bills and mailed it back to the courthouse. So the Sheriff, being even a little more clever, took a picture of a pair of handcuffs and sent it back to the man. The court got their money within a week.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Do they actually think that people take this sign seriously? illepall

Have you ever seen a set of white lines on the shoulder, then a little further seen another set?

A guy with a stopwatch above you in an airplane times you from line set to line set, looks at his chart, and figures out your speed. If you are indeed speeding they radio ahead to one of many cops just waiting to pull you over. I know this because it has happened to more than one person I know.

Still your basic speed trap, just a whole lot more advanced.

EDIT: A link for you
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Welcome to the team hpisloud!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I've been married almost a year, dated her for 4 years prior, so she knew what she was getting into. She hates computers with a passion, but finds it pretty fascinating that I can get online and play games with people from all over the world. She complains sometimes about me being online too much. But, I figure she will get over it I mean, the only games I play are LFS and Enemy Territory, how much time can that take?

Seriously, I wouldn't trade her for the world, I'm very lucky.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from ShannonN :Well what's worse, handbrake in F1 cars or analogue clock in GTR class cars ?

Hey, I always look at the clock in my FXR when I'm going 160mph into a corner. Doesn't everybody want to know what time it is?
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DanISTheMan :oh and also, you have replyas blah blah... so were they intentional? i wanna see where you came to that conclusion. give me a link or something. i watched the earlier ones and they made me laugh for some reason. im not trying to push it with the admins, oh mighty ones you really need that stick removed from your bunghole

I wish you would stop editing after you post.

I have replays distributed through SamH's website. If you want them, ask him not me. As far as I'm concerned they are for Admin viewing only. I feel that they were 100% intentional, that's how I came to my conclusion. Admins aren't "mighty" they are only here to try to keep LFS clean, something you wouldn't bitch about if you weren't in the wrong in the first place. I also do not have a stick in my ass, KTHXBYE.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DanISTheMan : think i sure did hit a nerve. dont like me, what can i do about that. and meh like i say, this just doesnt bother me. are you trying to bother me? i bet you are huh. lmao.

Being a smart ass won't help you either. You didn't hit a nerve with me, I simply don't like people getting banned and then coming here to bitch. I never said I didn't like you. I am trying to give you advice on how not to get banned and stay banned. I don't need to bother you, you posted in a thread full of server admins, what the hell do you expect?

I still say that if you apologized you would find that your permanent bans weren't so permanent.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DanISTheMan :well, ill admit, i did wreck a couple of times. but only was really after The End,

I have 4 replays of you crashing, and none of them were after "the end".

Quote from DanISTheMan :i dont see anything wrong with it personally. its the intention behind the word that matters.

Therein lies the problem. A smart person would simply play by the rules, apologize, shut up, hope for the best, and just go race. But instead you have to keep pushing your luck with server Admins on this board.

Quote from DanISTheMan : no offence, but i really couldnt care less.

That's the attitude that got you on 86'd in the first place.

Quote from DanISTheMan :there are pelnty of other servers where i can get ma race on.

There will be less servers for you to join now that you posted here.

Quote from uiop : thanks mate, ill be back on july and try to make the best of out it, really!

You're not helping yourself either.

If people would simply accept responsibility for their actions, and apologize in these threads instead of arguing, they would find their bans lifted more frequently.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I just wanted to drop in and say that this is a great system. I hope that this makes it to a sticky.

We at Land Of The Free are using this for both servers, and are extremely happy thus far.

A big thanks to you SamH!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from CrazyNuts :Where can i download these Team Inferno setups from?
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Thanks for the warm welcome. Glad to be on the team. Now I gotta go practice for the Summer Series.